Liver and Kidney Function Test
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This test measures several key indicators to determine liver and kidney function. Both liver and kidney damage do not always cause detectable symptoms until they are in an advanced stage and irreversible damage has occurred. This test allows you to monitor liver and kidney function routinely without visiting a doctor’s office.
Test Method: Finger-prick and urine test
What do we test for?
About Albumin
Albumin is a protein produced by the liver that carries substances such as hormones, medicines, and enzymes throughout the body. Albumin also helps keep fluid in the blood from leaking into tissues. Burns, open wounds, dehydration, or malnutrition can also lower albumin. However, low albumin levels can indicate problems with the liver or kidneys. If your albumin level is lower than normal, follow-up with your healthcare provider is needed to rule out problems with your liver or kidneys.
About Alkaline Phosphatase
Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) is an enzyme found primarily in the liver, bile ducts, and bones. ALP can also be found in the bones, heart, intestines, placenta, and kidneys. Elevated levels of ALP can indicate damage to any of these areas, particularly the liver or bones. If your test result indicates elevated ALP levels, further tests will be needed to identify the source of the increase.
About ALT
The enzyme ALT is mainly found in the cells of the liver and in smaller amounts within the kidneys, heart and muscle tissue. If the liver is damaged, blood ALT levels can increase. When the drainage of bile fluid is obstructed, blood ALT levels can also rise.
About Bilirubin
Bilirubin is an orange-yellow substance that is created during the normal breakdown of red blood cells. Bilirubin passes through the liver before being excreted from the body. Elevated levels of bilirubin can indicate liver or bile duct problems. Too much bilirubin in the bloodstream can cause jaundice, which causes the eyes and skin to turn yellow.
About Creatinine
Creatinine is a waste product arising from the normal breakdown of muscle tissue. Elevated creatinine levels indicate impaired kidney function or kidney disease. If the kidneys are impaired, blood creatinine levels increase due to poor clearance of creatinine by the kidneys.
About eGFR
eGFR stands for estimated glomerular filtration rate. This value is derived using the amount of creatinine in the blood and indicates how well the kidneys are functioning. An elevated EGFR means that the filtration abilities of the kidneys are lowered, which may indicate impaired kidney function. Poor kidney function can be caused by kidney infections, kidney stones, high blood pressure, diabetes, dehydration, or certain medications.
About Gamma GT
Gamma-glutamyltransferase (Gamma-GT or GGT) is an enzyme made in the liver that helps convert and digest substances that enter the body through food and drink. Normally the concentration of GGT in the blood is very low, but can become elevated when the liver is overloaded. This happens when the liver must process a high quantity of certain substances in a short period of time, for example with excessive use of certain medications or alcohol. GGT values will also rise when the bile ducts are blocked, with gallbladder problems, or as a result of liver damage. The oral contraceptive pill can cause a decrease in GGT.

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What is a liver and kidney function test?
Your liver is an organ with many important functions. Some of its functions are that it removes wastes and toxins from your blood, produces bile which aids in food digestion, produces cholesterol and other fat-carrying proteins for the rest of the body, processes hemoglobin, regulates blood clotting, and converts excess glucose to glycogen for storage.
Your kidneys are vital organs that perform different functions to keep the blood clean and chemically balanced. The main function of the kidneys is to clean wastes and excess fluid from the blood. Most people have two kidneys, although it is possible to live a healthy life with just one.
This test measures the levels of liver products alanine aminotransferase (ALT), gamma-glutamyltransferase (GammaGT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP) albumin, bilirubin and creatinine in your blood and urine. The results of this test can indicate how well your liver and kidneys are functioning, as well as signs of damage or disease. The test involves a finger prick and urine sample that you can easily take from home. Your sample will then be examined by a certified laboratory and you will receive the results within a matter of days. It couldn’t be easier!
Homed-IQ also offers a test exclusively for liver function. Learn more here.
Albumin is a protein produced by the liver that carries substances such as hormones, drugs, and enzymes throughout the body. Albumin also helps prevent fluid from the blood from leaking into body tissues. In well-functioning kidneys, little albumin will leak through into the urine. In case of damage to the kidneys, higher amounts of albumin will be found in the urine. This is especially seen in people with high blood pressure or diabetes.
Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP)
Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) is an enzyme found primarily in the liver, bile ducts, and bones. ALP can also be found in the bones, heart, intestines, placenta, and kidneys. Elevated levels of ALP can indicate damage to any of these areas, particularly the liver or bones. If your test result indicates elevated ALP levels, further tests will be needed to identify the source of the increase.
Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT)
The enzyme ALT is mainly found in the cells of the liver and in smaller amounts within the kidneys, heart and muscle tissue. If the liver is damaged, blood ALT levels can increase. When the drainage of bile fluid is obstructed, blood ALT levels can also rise.
An small increase in ALT values (approximately 1.5 times the reference value) can occur temporarily from alcohol or certain medications. In this case, it is recommended to repeat the ALT test in a few weeks. If a small increase is found again during a repeat test, or if there are liver-related complaints during the first test, this may indicate liver inflammation, alcohol consumption, drug use, or type 2 diabetes. A larger increase in ALT can be caused by acute liver inflammation such as hepatitis, intake of drugs that are harmful to the liver, or non-alcoholic fatty liver. If the result is more than 5 times greater than the reference value, there is a risk of acute liver damage.
Gamma-glutamyltransferase (Gamma-GT or GGT) is an enzyme made in the liver that helps convert and digest substances that enter the body through food and drink. Normally the concentration of GGT in the blood is very low, but can become elevated when the liver is overloaded. This happens when the liver must process a high quantity of certain substances in a short period of time, for example with excessive use of certain medications or alcohol. GGT values will also rise when the bile ducts are blocked, with gallbladder problems, or as a result of liver damage. The oral contraceptive pill can cause a decrease in GGT.
Depending on what is causing the rise in liver enzymes, your doctor may advise you to stop drinking alcohol or taking certain medications, lose weight, and/or change your diet.
Bilirubin is an orange-yellow substance that is created during the normal breakdown of red blood cells. Bilirubin passes through the liver before being excreted from the body. Elevated levels of bilirubin can indicate liver or bile duct problems. Too much bilirubin in the bloodstream can cause jaundice, which causes the eyes and skin to turn yellow.
Creatinine & eGFR
Creatinine is a waste product arising from the normal breakdown of muscle tissue. Elevated creatinine levels indicate impaired kidney function or kidney disease. If the kidneys are impaired, blood creatinine levels increase due to poor clearance of creatinine by the kidneys.
eGFR stands for estimated glomerular filtration rate. This value is derived using the amount of creatinine in the blood and indicates how well the kidneys are functioning. An elevated EGFR means that the filtration abilities of the kidneys are lowered, which may indicate impaired kidney function. Poor kidney function can be caused by kidney infections, kidney stones, high blood pressure, diabetes, dehydration, or certain medications.
Symptoms of liver damage
Elevated liver enzymes may not produce any symptoms. However, if liver damage or disorder is the cause, symptoms may include:
- Abdominal Pain
- Dark Urine
- Jaundice (yellowing of the skin or eyes)
- Loss of appetite
- Fatigue
- Itching
- Nausea and vomiting
- Weight loss
- Diarrhea
Symptoms of kidney damage
Early stage kidney disease often does not cause any symptoms until the kidneys are severely impaired. Symptoms may include:
- Urinating more often
- Blood in urine
- Fatigue and trouble concentrating
- Dry and itchy skin
- Swelling of the feets and ankles
- Loss of appetite
- Trouble sleeping
How soon will I receive my test results?
Once you have collected your sample and then mailed it to our laboratory, it generally takes a few working days before you receive the test result. As soon as your test sample arrives at the laboratory you will receive a notification by email. Once your test result is ready, you will receive a text message and an email from us with a link to your test result. We will therefore keep you well informed throughout the entire testing process!
What does the result of this test mean?
This test measures the liver enzymes ALT, GammaGT, ALP, bilirubin, albumin, and creatinine levels in your blood and urine. Based on the test result, it can be determined whether there are abnormal levels of certain liver enzymes and whether follow-up care is needed with your physician.
Frequently asked questions
Can you test your liver and kidney function from home?
How accurate is Homed-IQ's Liver and Kidney Function Test?
What are the warning signs of kidney disease?
What are the warning signs your liver is not functioning properly?
What can cause elevated liver enzymes?
- Use of over the counter pain medications
- Other prescription medications
- Hepatitis
- Alcohol or drug use disorder
- Cirrhosis
- Metabolic syndrome
- Celiac disease
- Liver cancer
- Mononucleosis
- Epstein-Barr Virus
What can cause kidney disease?
- Type I or II diabetes
- High blood pressure
- Glomerulonephritis, an inflammation of the kidney’s glomeruli
- Interstitial nephritis
- Repeated kidney infection
- Obstruction of the urinary tract
- Inherited kidney diseases
What increases my risk of liver or kidney disease?
- Autoimmune liver diseases
- Heavy alcohol consumption
- Type II diabetes
- Obesity
- Family history of liver disease
- Risk factors for hepatitis (exposure to other people’s blood/bodily fluids, unprotected sex)
- Diabetes
- High blood pressure
- Smoking
- Obesity
- Family history of kidney disease
- Old age
- Frequent use of medications that damage the kidneys
- Heart disease
When should you consider doing a kidney test?
- You suffer from diabetes
- You have used or are using performance enhancing drugs
- You are taking anti-inflammatory medication
- You suffer from high blood pressure
- You have persistent urinary tract diseases
- You have a kidney disease or a family history of one
- You have kidney stones or a family history of them