When should you get tested for STIs?
If you have been warned by a partner, received an anonymous alert (such as via partnerwaarschuwing.nl), are experiencing STI symptoms, or have had unsafe sex, it’s recommended to get tested for STIs. This can be done by contacting your doctor, visiting a sexual health clinic, or by ordering a lab-certified home test. If you would prefer to test from home, Homed-IQ offers wide range of STI self-tests and blood tests.
Make an appointment with your GP for STI treatment
All test results come with a downloadable laboratory report. If your Homed-IQ test result is positive for one or more STIs, you can bring this report to your GP to receive a prescription for treatment.
Costs for STI treatments
Treatments for STIs must be prescribed by your GP on the basis of your test results. The costs of these treatments depend on your health insurance coverage. At this time, Homed-IQ is unable to provide prescriptions for treating STIs.
How to prevent reinfection with an STI
Once you have been diagnosed with an STI and started treatment, it’s important to know how to prevent reinfection. One of the most common causes of reinfection with an STI is having sex with an untreated sex partner. This is why warning your partner(s) and ensuring they also complete treatment if they are positive for an STI is essential to preventing yourself and others from becoming (re)infected. It is also important to complete the entire course of medication and follow instructions about how soon after starting medication you can have sex. With certain infections, individuals must abstain from sex for several days after being treated with antibiotics, even if symptoms begin to go away. Having sex before this waiting period is over could pass STIs to your partner and infect you again in the future.
Another important aspect of preventing future infections is understanding how STIs spread and your risk behaviours. Safe sex practices include consistently using condoms/dental dams and getting regularly tested for STIs, such as with Homed-IQ’s HIV Test.
STI Treatment Adherence
Adherence to STI treatment is important. If you have tested positive for an STI and are prescribed medication, be sure to take all medication prescribed, even if you begin to feel better. For individuals with chronic conditions (e.g., Hepatitis B, HIV), adherence means taking medicines every day as prescribed and attending medical appointments. Treatment adherence is important for staying healthy, preventing resistance to treatment, and avoiding virus transmission to others.